(○′3`)ノ чuмi☆чuмmч
My DiArY(p∀`p)♪

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2006/06/19 サムライ ブル〜♪
2006/06/16 ☆BLUE BIRD☆ byあゆ
2006/06/15 面談した〜(○′3`)ノ
2006/06/11 英検〜
2006/06/09 中間終了━(○′3`)v

直接移動: 20066 5 4 3 1 月  20058 月 

2005/08/29(月) 晴香の見送リ・゜・(pд`q)・゜・

2005/08/26(金) w-inds.LiVe In 武道館(*´艸`)

2005/08/17(水) ヲタ帳作リ with 猪狩さン(*´艸`)
で、ヨーカドーでずっとしゃべってました(^皿^)猪狩さンは私のBEST FRIENDだわ[*ピカピカ*][*ピカピカ*]本当に|[*ハート*]↑笑)

2005/08/16(火) I went to 渋谷&原宿 with Igari san today(ノ∀`*)
I went to 渋谷&原宿 with my best friend Igari san↑ I had a such an awesome time with her(≧∇≦)[*ピカピカ*][*ピカピカ*][*ピカピカ*]
We went to ドンキホーテ!! I was so excited there because they had everything and the stuff was so cheap[*ピカピカ*][*ピカピカ*]
And we got a notebook at ダイソー for w-inds.ヲタ[*本*]笑)


2005/08/14(日) I went to 浅草 with Haruka(ノ∀`*)
I hanged out with Haruka and went to Asakusa today↑ I was so glad to meet her(≧∇≦) I am pretty sure I am going to miss her when she is going to CAnada(T_T) But I always cheer you, Haruka[*ピカピカ*] I love youー(ノ∀`*)[*ハート*]
I had a such a good time with her(´ー`) I hope she did too[*ピカピカ*]
And!! We are going to TDL together(≧∇≦)(^→^) I am SO excited!!!!!!!! Woohoo!!!!

2005/08/12(金) I went to お台場 with my mom today
My mom and I went to お台場 today[*電球*] I got a gift for Haruka and my mom got a birthday present for my uncle[*包装*] Actually she bought a cloth for her too though(-_-) I wanted some clothes but I did not have enough money to get them(;>△<;)
There were not so many people than I thought♪ But I was SO tired...my feet still hurt[*ゲッソリ*][*ゲッソリ*]
I would love to go there again though(ノ∀`*)[*ハート*]

2005/08/11(木) We went to 墓参り today
I went to 墓参り today.I am sorry but I don't know how to say it in English・゜・(pд`q)・゜・ I know I have to study it harder...(T_T)
Anyway, I woke up at 6:30 in this morning even though I went to bed at 2[*ゲッソリ*] So I was SO sleepy[*..zZ*]
And we went to山梨. We took our dog Choco and he was kind of upset because there were lots of people at parking(^皿^)

2005/08/09(火) I got hair cut today(゜∀゜)☆
I got hair cut today[*チョキ*] I was glad to have done because my hair looked ugly(-_-) When I stayed in U.S,everyone said they liked my hair because my hair is straight and shiny[*ピカピカ*] But I don't like my hair[*ドンッ*] I want to dye my hair so bad[*ドンッ*][*ドンッ*] So when my friends in U.S. said to me that they liked my hair, I was like 'Are you kidding me!?'
Well...I will dye my hair after I graduate[*Emf(゜┰~)EMベー*]
Oops!! あいのり is on today↑ I am excited(≧∇≦)

2005/08/08(月) I went to 池袋 today(゜∀゜)v
I went to 池袋 today. I LOVE shopping(*´艸`)[*ハート*] Shopping is the most fun thing ever!! If I had enough money, it would be more fun though【>ヘ<】 I want moneyー!!!! Well...I have to work(-_-)

2005/08/07(日) I went see the baseball game today! but...
I went see the baseball game at 神宮 today!! I had not been there for a while so I felt the stadium was small[*猫*]
Anyway I am fan of Giants[*野球*] They are extremly weak this year though(゜Д゜)))
I found this game would be aweful because Giants already had been got 5points for the first inning[*ゲッソリ*] I was like "What the heck is going on!?" Finally, I mean OF COURSE, they LOST[*パンチ*] HAHAHA!! I knew that(-_-)!! Because they are stupidly weak[*ブチッ*]


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